Temporary standstills

Zeitweilige Stillstände


Breathe in.

Everything happens at the same time. Now. Immediate and usually not conveyable. In the past, as in the present and also in the future. And physically, probably relatively. And it happens with us and without us. Between breaths.

Whether two events take place at the same time or a thousand events is not a property of the events themselves, but from which point of view or system the phenomenon is observed.

But that's not really what I'm talking about. It is about the felt moment in which one perceives for a moment that while one is performing a finger movement, for example, that everything else is also taking place in this individual and intimate moment.


It doesn't matter whether technical objects produce goods, children play, drive cars or launch rockets.

All of these events I refer to as the time-based artifacts of the All. This also includes emotions, dreams, illusions and all other perceptions, conscious or unconscious in nature.

All these "artifacts" interact more or less intensively with each other. Coincidentally. In magical moments, however, it can happen that these objects, properties and non-material events share a place or a space. Not physically, but in our imagination. Sometimes it seems to choke you or you freeze in amazement. Simultaneously.

We are no longer able to grasp the actual purpose, because in their overlaying they lose their original symbolic character. We must then perceive the movement or stillness of the artefacts as a synchronous event in which stillness and movement are simultaneously inscribed.

However, this perception happens “a priori”. We cannot escape her. Unconsciously. A simultaneous relevance of multiple interrelationships emerges, in which each artefact has the potential for movement and stillness at the same time. Situations and objects permeate each other without our ever knowing what cause these penetrations or why they occur in the first place.

As a result, we see scenarios of a multi-optional space of possibilities.

Now, Anytime, or Temporarily.

Keep breathing.


mechanical fields